Receta: arroz de chuletón de vaca madurada

Matured beef ribeye rice

Mar 20, 2024


Matured Cow Steak Rice is an exquisite recipe that unites the intense flavor of matured beef steak with the perfect texture of rice cooked in its juices and spices. With a detailed preparation process, this recipe offers a unique gastronomic experience, ideal for those looking to impress on a special occasion. The combination of melted ribeye fat, the herbal touch of red vermouth and the delicacy of saffron, make this dish a true feast for the senses.


Ingredient Amount
Beef ribeye fat cubes At ease
Oil 30ml
Salt At ease
Onion 1 medium, finely chopped
Garlic 2 cloves, chopped
grated tomato 2 medium tomatoes
Paprika 1 tsp
red vermouth 40ml
Meat broth to the necessary
Saffron infusion To taste
Rice 300 grams


Embarking on the preparation of this Matured Cow Steak Rice is starting a journey full of aromas and flavors that will take you to delight. Here are the detailed steps to make your culinary experience a total success:

  • Start with the fat from the steak: in a paella pan over medium heat, melt the fat until it is liquid and begins to release its unmistakable aroma. Once ready, remove it and reserve.
  • Add the oil to the same paella pan and add the onion and garlic with a touch of salt. Sauté until the onion is translucent and the garlic gives off its aroma.
  • Now, it's the turn of the grated tomato. Add it and cook until its water has completely evaporated, integrating it perfectly with the sauce.
  • Pay attention to this step: add the Vera paprika and add the El Paeller meat broth and a little vermouth, wait for the alcohol to evaporate.
  • It's time to give life to the rice: pour in the hot meat broth and a saffron infusion. Add the rice, distributing it evenly. Cook over medium heat without stirring for 15 minutes.
  • While the rice is cooking, sear the steak in another pan so that it is golden on the outside and juicy on the inside. Carve it into slices and use them to decorate the surface of the rice.
  • Once the cooking time is complete, remove the paella pan from the heat and let the rice rest for a few minutes so that all the flavors amalgamate.
  • Serve hot, decorating with a few strands of saffron and a few drops of extra virgin olive oil to give it a shiny finish and extra flavor.


To make your experience preparing Matured Cow Steak Rice even more enriching, here are some recommendations:

  • The selection of the steak is crucial. Look for a high-quality piece of matured beef to ensure superior flavor and texture.
  • If you want a more intense flavor, you can add a few extra cloves of garlic when sautéing or even a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce along with the vermouth.
  • For spicy lovers, a touch of crushed chili added to the stir-fry can add that desired heat without overpowering the other flavors.
  • For a more festive presentation, garnish the rice with a few sprigs of fresh rosemary or parsley just before serving.
  • This dish, due to its strong flavor and texture, pairs exceptionally well with a medium or full-bodied red wine that has spicy notes.

Experimenting in the kitchen is always part of the pleasure of cooking. Don't hesitate to make this dish your own, adjusting the flavors and techniques to your liking. Enjoy!