Easy Paella Meter
Paella-Fácil is the accessory with which to know precisely and comfortably when to pour the rice into the Valencian paella. It consists of a single piece of stainless steel and contains a magnet inside with which to adhere it to the edge of the paella.
Its use is very simple: we place the Paella-Fácil measurer placing the circle at the level of the water and then we add more water until the circle is covered. We put the paella to boil and when the water drops until the entire circle is discovered, it is time to pour the rice.
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Paella-Fácil is the accessory with which to know precisely and comfortably when to pour the rice into the Valencian paella. It consists of a single piece of stainless steel and contains a magnet inside with which to adhere it to the edge of the paella.
Its use is very simple: we place the Paella-Fácil measurer placing the circle at the level of the water and then we add more water until the circle is covered. We put the paella to boil and when the water drops until the entire circle is discovered, it is time to pour the rice.
Medidor Paella Fácil
Después de pagar 5 euros de envío lo que menos esperaba es q viniera en una bolsa de plástico. Como es normal vino con su caja totalmente chafada. Y no se rompió de milagro.
Pedido perfecto , recomiendo 👍🏻
Tuve un pequeño problema que solucionaron inmediatamente.
Gracias por distar tanto de otras empresas que no dan valor al cliente.
Recomendable 100%
Medidor Paella Fácil